![EVOLVE Mini-Doc - Yehi Thumbnail](https://wwnlive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/EVOLVE-Mini-Doc-Yehi-Thumbnail.jpeg)
New EVOLVE Mini-Doc: Fred Yehi Catch Point No More
For over a year, Fred Yehi was core member of the group who practiced the philosophy known as Catch Point rising to the pinnacle of the EVOLVE Tag Team Division, along with former partner Tracy Williams, as EVOLVE Tag Team Champions. Documentarian Kenny Johnson takes a look at Fred’s ascension, its sudden end and his departure from Catch Point.
For more high quality short documentaries on independent wrestling, please subscribe to Kenny Johnson’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/kjohnson1028 and follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kenjohnson1028
Come see EVOLVE Live! Here are all of the upcoming EVOLVE dates through September:
-EVOLVE 86 on June 24th in Melrose, MA
-EVOLVE 87 on June 25th in Queens, NY
-EVOLVE 88 on July 8th in Charlotte, NC
-EVOLVE 89 on July 9th in Atlanta, GA
-EVOLVE 90 on August 11th in Joppa, MA
-EVOLVE 91 on August 12th in Queens, NY
-EVOLVE 92 on September 22nd in Detroit, MI
-EVOLVE 93 on September 23rd in Chicago, IL
Tickets are on sale now at http://www.WWNLive.Ticketfly.com. Info at http://www.WWNLive.com. Live streams at http://www.FloSlam.tv.