Evolution’s Edge Tournament
September 4, 2019
EVOLVE officials are very excited with the new class of talent who has emerged in EVOLVE in 2019. We have seen several success stories from the WWN Seminar/Tryout and WWN Recruitment Camp. EVOLVE officials have also found other prospects that they are excited to test. In addition, we have seen the EVOLVE roster replenished with several new contract signings. EVOLVE officials have decided to take eight of the talents who have emerged as “The Class Of 2019” to the ultimate test. Let’s see who is the best. We will see who sinks and who swims. There will be two multi-person elimination matches at EVOLVE 135 on September 20th in Brooklyn, NY. The two winners will then compete in a singles match at EVOLVE 136 on September 21st in Queens, NY. The elimination matches will be announced this week at WWE.com. The eight participants are:
-Anthony Greene with Brandi Lauren
-Anthony Gutierrez
-Brandon Taggart
-Curt Stallion
-Daniel Garcia
-Sean Maluta
-Stephen Wolf